Nature 2099

I decided to take the ‘State of the Art’ concept a bit further. The first model of the flower had 501 Stamen and took half an hour for Rhino to catch up with the replication (I was WELL out of RAM), so i had to reduce it somewhat. The insect is a more detailed version of the first, i ended up deleting all the legs and the head and bits of the wing and re-doing them from scratch. The background may seem familiar, it’s actually ‘In Wonder of Nature’ but with new textures and sky. Total file size would be somewhere in the regon of 25Meg, which is one reson why it’s a composite render rather than an ‘all at once’ render, my PC couldn’t cope with it all in one go.
- Image Creation: Early 2000
- Created On: P166MMX, 48Mb RAM
- Created Using: Bryce, Rhino, Photoshop
Media Information
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- Parent entry:
- Creativity, and a look back in time
- Posted:
- Mon, 26th Jun 2006 at 20:06 UTC