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Archived entry | Matt Wilcox .net

Future Fears

an image of Future Fears

An image inspired by a Verve record…’I was buying some feelings from a vending machine’. Some people become too detached from the things in life that really matter, by the time they realise what it’s all about they don’t know how to get it or they’re a maladjusted person, relying on the wrong things to try and find happiness. Happiness is in yourself, look out on the world with no regrets, see the bright side of life and love everything you can. Happiness is an attitude, go out there and grab it. And if you can find someone special you can share it with, so much the better, and good luck to you.

Matt Wilcox. Original text that went with this image.

  • Image Creation: Early 2000
  • Created On: P166MMX, 48Mb
  • Created Using: Bryce, Rhino, Photoshop, Poser

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