my 21st birthday!
Well, i’m 21 today. *eek!*Old old old.

After having fed myself and wondered at the sheer rubbish that qualifies as morning TV i showered, got dressed (the plan works!) and drove into Uni. Ahh yes, uni. To pick up the folder of work i’d haneded in pre-christmas that they said i’d not handed in at all. Miraculously if you kick up a reasonable fuss over these things staff find your work, mark it and hand it you back. Ha!
Mission accomplished at uni it was off up to Hanley to buy some earphones and headphones. Earphones because my old Sony ones died after three years of wear and tear. Headphones because my parents do not appreciate dance music at night while i’m on the PC. Argos were out of earphones so i razzed up to the Potteries Arcade and got some from Dixons instead. Please note the following as it shows how bad i am at navigating, and how easily i am disorientated in ‘Malls’. I left the Arcade (Mall) and could -not- figure out which way uni was. So i wandered Hanley for 30min until i eventually re-entered the main area on totally the wrong side of Hanley. I’d walked 180 degrees the wrong way. On the up side i now know where ‘Richer Sounds’ is for when i buy a new stereo.

Made it back home for about 4:20 and had some tea. Tonight it’s a family gathering, the party is on saturday. Anyway, my grandparents rock! they got me the coolest engraved Chrome mouse! I also got money (always appreciated). It was quite a nice day actually, if a bit…uneventful…? Not the right word but it’ll do!
Party at Progress Derby, Sat! Can’t wait!