About that news...
It’s been nearly a month since I told you I had some news, and I’ve now had the official nod so I can tell you what it is…
Firstly the sad news; I’m leaving Creation” and I’m going to miss it, especially the team - even you Mr Tim, if you’re reading this; the Moriarty to my Holmes. It’s been fun, and I’ve learned a lot about a great deal of things, so cheers!
Secondly the exciting news: I’m joining the Stuff and Nonsense/Karova web development team! I’m pretty excited about this, and I’m really looking forward to learning a lot of new things and working with some very talented people. I’ve already met Peter, Andy and Sue, who seem very nice people, and I’m looking forward to meeting the rest of the team when I start work on the 24th.
Thirdly the knock-on news: Karova is based in Wales, and I live in England; a situation which clearly makes no sense, so I am moving out and getting renting a place of my own! Peter has been very kind and helpful in assisting me find a place, and this weekend I’m driving to Llandudno (with family in tow) to check-out what’s very likely to be my shiny new bachelor pad. There’s a whole new world of freedom out there (and another equally large and uncharted world of bills, no doubt).
Living by the sea is going to be awesome, and once I’ve saved up enough spare money I’m buying that Canon 350D and visiting Snowdonia. *glee*
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- Posted:
- Thu, 14th Jul 2005 at 07:07 UTC
- Filed under:
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skip to comment formsuperb news mate, congratulations and hope the new job is your perfect job.
Yeah good news Jimi….Bills, Bills, BILLS
Catch up soon!
who’s going to keep my computer Going?
The best of Luck in your new venture and remember we are only at the end of the phone
Jimi as someone who has lived in North Wales for 9 months I can assure you that you are in for a treat. It’s a lovely place to live and there’s no end of scenic places to visit. I was in Snowdonia only the other day and it’s amazing.
Thanks James, and Matt, and GD - I’ll remember!

That sounds great Chris, you’re more than welcome to come over if you feel like revisiting Wales, once I’m settled in.
Going to ‘Stuff and Nonsense’……(You lucky git!)

Well done.
Looking forward to working with you Matt, I’m sure we’ll get your creative juices flowing.
Ya b******. Oh well, I’ve got your job now!
ROFL @ Trovster. Very true.
Looking forward to you coming aboard matey.
Andy Clarke
I’m flattered to be discribed as the ‘Criminal mastermind’ to your ‘Pillar of the community and general all round good eggness.” At least you have learnt something here. The art of the backhanded compliment - Well Done!
(Proud face icon thing here.)
Phil - I’m slightly worried about the prospect of induced flowing juices, creative or otherwise.

Tim - I had the best of teachers in that regard… You helped too I suppose.
Nice 1 Jimmy !, carp didnt see you wrote down canon 350D there, as is the camera i shall be getting very soon
if id read ya diary update b4 phoning u i would of known!
) up llandudno dry slope for there weekly run around, i mean eer ski lessons,haha
Yep North Wales is indeed a great place, after living here 2 years I can tell ya it’s very nice, shall have pop in for a cuppa on sundays when I take the screaming kids (40/50 freshers
Catchya l8a dude - B
Wahey! Sure you’re gonna love it Matt – just remember people like me are born and bred in that area of the world – so be nice!
Glad to hear you’re looking forward to it Jimmy, I’m sure you’ll love it there. Hope the place you’ve found is suitable and the move goes as smoothly as these things can!
In a way I miss Wales, I’m hoping to go back and visit when I can, we had a great time there this week.
P.S. Does the invitation extend to me too, I don’t mind bringing a tent and sleeping outside?!
Cheers Ben.

Mr Oxton sir, would I be anything else?
Joey - of course it extends to you, and no need to kip outside either, there’s plenty of room. Once I get the place furnished.