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larging it in broadway

Well, not so much ‘larging it’ as ‘walking sedately around it’, and not so much the broadway you’re thinking, and more Broadway, Wiltshire, England. We went down there to visit our aunt and to deliver Granddad’s old computer there too. I set the computer up in no time (having spent 5hrs yesterday getting the damn thing to work) and then we went for a tour of broadway. It’s really nice, full of 16th-19th century houses, from the small to the pretty damn large. From the very well built to the ’so old all the verticals are at 20 degrees’. Unfortunately i have no photo’s because we were running late this morning so i didn’t get chance to grab my digi-cam. It’s a 90 mile trip too, or a CD and a half of GodsKitchen: Direct. Which is good, because as a three CD set it means i got to listen to it all precisely once.
While down there we visited a pub (of course) and found a really really nice dark ale whose name i forget. It was on a par with the hallowed Guinnes. Praise indeed. *nods* smiley icon: smile
There’s also some proper old-style shops down there, including possibly the coolest sweet shop ever! Everything was in big glass jars, from gob-stoppers to sugar mice to liqurice pipes to snowballs. :yum
Of course, while we were down in broadway, Ben, John and Carmel were in Wales! Some time earlier (years ago) Ben got a birthday present of a trip white water rafting. Last time it got canceled due to bad weather, but today saw him getting into the boat and getting a right good soaking. Now, it was cold over in broadway, even in my nice jumper and coat. Cold to the point of being uncomfortable. Ben meanwhile was in Wales, in a river wearing a pathetically thin wet suit in winter. That guy must have been a popsicle. John and Carmel (spectating) sure seemed cold enough! Apparently Ben had also managed to forget to bring any towles with him. I’m saying nothing! smiley icon: joke
Anyway, i got home about 9:30 and went over to John’s with Carm, Ben and Kath. John creating some odd but brilliant drinks, in the form of Black Sambucca layered over Red Aftershock :yum It was great bar some alcohol spillage (it got cleaned). We left about 1am when Carmel and John started getting all jiggy with it. :0 :lol

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