Coulda Shoulda Didnt
Oh yes, tonight I finally remembered what I had been missing out on. We were out at our local home of banging tunes for Fire Night - Creation. Also there were Carmel, Laura B and Kath. I was frankly very tired as all week the earliest i’d been to bed was 2am. I went around to Mike’s and we got organised, met Matt down at my house and then razzed along to pick up Carmel and Laura. We got in free as it was just before 10pm. We stood about for half an hour or more soaking up the tunes while waiting for Kath (she had been to the theatre and dad was bringing her to Creation). Frankly I was pretty pleased with the tunes at that point, showing considerable pace for the early hour that it was. Once Kath made it in Mike and myself went off to buy glow sticks. I got two blue ones, he got two red and then we all fought our way to the middle of the dance floor. Needless to say that was where Mike and I spent 90 percent of the night. Moving on to about 1am and the tunes have gotten even better, Carmel was loving it nearly as much as she was loving the dancer - “oh my GOD, he is so FIT!” (repeatedly). During the night Mike and myself got a spontaneous shout out from the DJ!!!!
How chuffed were we?! The DJ was waving his hands about and said something about the guys at the back (we were the only two at the back with sticks), so we copied his hand movements so he knew we had seen him, then he held out a big sign saying something or other I can’t remember but it was good, and aimed at us!
And now the explaining the diary title bit. -sigh- It would appear that during the night I attracted the attention of a pretty good looking lady. I am told that she was trying to attract my attention, even dancing right in front of me. Did I notice? Did I buggery. Too wrapped up in the moment I never even noticed her. She then went away and mere seconds later I felt a substantial slap on my ass. I turn around and this girl is looking at me with her arm out. I looked at her, got confused and just went straight back to dancing. Only later did I suss out she was a friend of the pretty one. Could have pulled, should have pulled, didnt pull. About 2am Matt and Kath left and the DJ slipped into Old Skool. Great night out.
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- Posted:
- Fri, 18th Oct 2002 at 00:10 UTC
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