Goodbye 2004, hello 2005
Well it finally happened, 2004 went as fast as it arrived.
What’s happened this year? Looking back I would have thought ‘not much’ but in fact quite a bit has gone on. A brief re-cap might be in order for those who can’t be bothered to trawl through the past blog entries…
- January
- January happened without being around, as it was getting a serious code overhaul. It also saw the one and only entertaining series of “I’m a celebrity…”, good old Johnny Rotton!
- February
- The most influential month of my musical life - I discovered NinjaTune. Chris and myself were pimping it large to the very best of turntabalism and breakbeat. The musical journey has continued ever since.
- I got broadband. Finally.
- I got my Christmas present. (it took until then to get a One Ring in my size)
- Shrovetide was spent watching Matt hoon a giant ball around a town
- March
- Valentines day arrived, and Joey and Chris went to pick up a shiny new (20yrs old is new) XR4i from London
- Pies showed up with a pre-production Aston Martin DB9
- Chris and myself went house hunting. For Chris. Not as a couple.
- I turned 23, and around that time chris, Mike and myself bagsied a free digital camera courtesy of a mistake on the Dixons web site
- April
- I just waffled a lot and got a website to psychoanalyse me
- May
- Started getting ever more frustrated with Uni
, but got a random present from Mike and Kate
- Cheadle got hit with some sever localised flooding, which closed Cheadle High for days
- I got nekkid and took some photo’s in the bath
- June
- Handed in the last of my uni work. Relief was palpable.
- Went on a music binge to celebrate, and also bought £240 of new speakers in the process
- July
- Got my first full time job. A web designer.
- Passed my degree with a 2:1
- Killed my PC after installing Linux as dual boot, then spent money and repaired it
- August
- Matt, Kath and myself went to visit Ben in Bangor, which was cool
- September
- Nothing notable, except Mike getting promoted at work
- October
- Chris and JC completed a tour of Britain in a Spitfire
- We saw Mr Scruff live at Keel Uni
- November
- Walked around in Dovedale with Matt and Mike
- Half-Life 2 got released
- December
- Got to be sociable again as holidays happened
- Pies showed up with another pre-production Aston Martin DB9 (a soft-top this time), and proceeded to nearly kill me
- Christmas came and rocked
New Years was spent at Charlie Bassets, which was holding a 1920’s Gangsters and Gals night! It was brilliant fun having everyone dress up! Oddly enough the 20’s outfits looked great on absolutely everyone. Chris, Gemma and Joey especially looked the part.
This year I didn’t get drunk, but we did all smoke cigars (the essential Gangster prop), and the ones that Chris and myself got seemed to be pretty potent. I didn’t smoke my second. I have now deemed that fate has saved it for a little later in the year. Oh yes, 2005 things that are good will happen. For once I’m going to try and make opportunities for good things. Mmm, good things
Frankly I’m a bit tired so I’m drawing this entry to a close, though more could be said. Hopefully others who were there on the night can add some comments. For now however allow me to present you the photo’s from the night.
Happy New Year!
Entry Information
- Posted:
- Sun, 2nd Jan 2005 at 19:01 UTC
- Filed under:
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