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Archived entry | Matt Wilcox .net

Summer Holiday Entry Four

day seven / Sun 25th August 2002
We had a lazy start to the day for a change, Ben only getting up at 11ish as he wanted food. We went to safeway for supplies then mosied on down to Redruth on ben’s insistence that it’d all be good, even if it was a Sunday. We got there and everywhere was closed, as it was Sunday. *glanes at Ben* Fool. While we were there we found an old theatre that had been converted into a cinema and so we watched Reign of Fire as we had nothing better to do. That and John insisted it’d be a great film smiley icon: wink It was OK, but only for the sci-fi / fantasy fan really. It passed the time. Having walked zombie like from the film we went back to the campsite and feasted upon sausage, eggs, beans and potato! Well, Ben had the eggs as they looked a little under done to me (they go solid when cooked, right?).
That night we decided to go to the beach to see it by night. John took the gas lantern and we strolled along the shore line. It was beautiful, the waves in front, the bright stars above, behind us the lights of the sea front bars and a low brooding moon. *sigh*

day eight / Mon 26th August 2002
Woke early, packed tent and headed toward Lands End. John and carmel went off to Saint Ives for a look around while Ben and myself stopped off at Sennen, about four miles from Lands End instead. We found a campsite on top of the windiest hill in England and proceeded to fly our tent. Once we’d had enough fun getting it nailed into the ground we headed to the beach. Ben went body boarding while I chilled out lying on the sand staring at the sky. After a while we climbed up the stupidly steep hills to the car and met John and Carmel back at the site. Well, we met their tent, they were no where to be found. Minutes later they appeared and John cooked tea again. smiley icon: smile We then all went to Sennen town, Ben and myself wandering around a circular art shop and wishing we had loads of money to throw away on art. We then all sat on the sea break wall and watched the most beautiful sunset I’ve ever had the privilege to see (photos are up). Next was Guinness, then chips. John emptying an entire salt seller onto his. The next morning Ben and myself went home. John and Carmel stayed another night.

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