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Archived entry | Matt Wilcox .net

Alternate CS3 icons available

If, like the majority of people, you find the new Adobe CS3 icons absolutely awful, you’ll be happy to know that a nice man has gone and made some better ones for us to use instead.

Like many, I think the default new icons are terrible. They are hard to decipher due to the lack of identifying shape (they’re all plain squares), the uniqueness given by way of application abbreviation simply doesn’t work, the icons at ‘icon’ resolution simply fail to be decipherable especially at 16x16 or 32x32. The colours are incredibly poor if you’re colour-blind, with some of them simply looking identical (that bunch over in the red/orange section for sure). As Jason Santa Maria said, utter design failure. Fortunately the new un-official icons go a long way to rectifying most of those problems.

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