Sony copy protection taking heat again: now DVDs won't play
Well that explains why my Pirates of the Caribbean 2 wouldn’t play in my Toshiba DVD player. Did I mention that I hate Sony? I have a history of finding their products, services, and general attitude absolutely awful.
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- Tue, 17th Apr 2007 at 11:04 UTC
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skip to comment formThe link doesn't work
"Server not found
Firefox can't find the server at http."
But Sony aren't that good. And people are wasting their money on a PS3 from them to. LOL at Sony!!
BTW, any idea what MegaPixel my camera is?
Link fixed, thanks.
There are at least three ways you can find that out for yourself. Look on the camera, it's likely to say somewhere. Look in the manual, it will definitely say somewhere (actually, a couple of somewheres). Or, lastly, put the model number into Google.
I have looked on the camera, I've looked on the box, I've looked in the manual and I've even googled it and looked at the official site.

Using link now
Then look harder. I guarantee you the specification for all the bits of your camera are in the handbook. Probably at the back.
yes it is, but it doesn't say 'Mega Pixel = x' so I have no idea what to search for. And yeh, sony are naff.
matt, to get rid of dvd copyright use this free software downloadable from google:
it's called AnyDVD
Cheers Richard.
Unfortunately I don't have a DVD writer, so it's of little use to me at the moment. My beef is more with the absurdity of the industry attitude - they only harm those that are trying to 'obey the law'. Those that don't care about paying the copyright holder can go download the film in less than a few hours in perfect quality, and without the dumb adverts at the start either. The companies are only screwing themselves over by offering sub-standard and crippled products.