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Archived entry | Matt Wilcox .net

Llandudno shrouded in cloud

Last night was a bonfire and BBQ at Ben, Heather and Amy’s house. It was a great night, and fun to talk with people I’ve not had chance to talk to in a while, as well as everyone else smiley icon: smile I was a little late getting there though, because the weather in Llandudno had been a little weird all day. It had been shrouded in clouds when I woke in the morning, and I had half thought about getting on top of the Great Orme to get a shot of a cloud obscured Llandudno (the cloud was very low lying, the top of the Orme was clearly visable, but below was solid grey). Unfortunately when I got home the cloud level was higher and I didn’t think I’d get the shot I would have done during the day (had I not been at work). I also knew I wouldn’t get the shots of the little wisps of cloud billowing down the road that I saw on the way back, so I decided to just pack the camera in the car and drive to Bangor. I took the scenic route and was happily rewarded for it! Take a look at the attached shots - they don’t do the scene much justice, but it’s still really pretty smiley icon: happy

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