Hair Update
OK, I was in Hanley yesterday and decided to follow up on the hair poll - I’ve had it cut! Thanks everyone for helping me out with that At the moment I’m not liking the new ‘do very much, but I’m not sure if that’s because I’m so used to my long hair and anything else just looks wrong, or whether the cut itself is a dud and I’m going to have to go get it re-done. *sigh*
I did ask for something ‘not too trend-whore’, and this is what I’ve ended up with. It’s about half the length it was. *grin*
Yesterday I also joined Mike and Kate to watch Star Wars EpIII, which turned out to be quite good. Sure, some of the dialogue was incomprehensibly dire, but overall the film itself was fun to watch, and did a good job of making Vader evil. For me Darth Vader has always been a bit… well, not that evil. Kind of quasi-evil. Just some moody guy that occasionally kills an underling. Now that’s very bad, but not what I would use the term ‘evil’ for. In EpIII, he’s evil.
Yesterday was also a charity event in the field next to our house. ‘Help Harry’ was a small fete to raise funds in order to fly a local child to Australia, in the hope of getting him special medical treatment. The field got cut a few days ago and there was a real community spirit to the event. Unfortunately the beautiful weather from earlier in the week didn’t hold and the day was overcast and chilly. I got there quite late after having stopped off for coffee at Kate’s, but the donkey rides were still going and there were quite a few people under gazebos chatting away.
In other news I have a job interview this Thursday coming, so please wish me luck with that if you could.
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- Posted:
- Sun, 12th Jun 2005 at 11:06 UTC
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skip to comment formI like the new hair Jimi.

And good luck with the interview.
Undecided about the new hair. Think it needs to be either shorter, or have some “product” applied. Or both. But who am I to comment on hairstyles!?
Good luck with the job thinggummy. Lets hope you breeze it. And they pay you loads. So you can buy a Corvette.
Pog - it’s actually got a little wax in it, but you’re right, it could proberbly do with more.
Mmm, Corvette…
Hey Jimi, long time no see. Wow you’ve had your hair cut…..
Will have to catch up soon. Good luck with the interview
Looks different!
Hey dude
Yes indeed, not spoken to you in a while. I’ve been putting in some extra hours at work and you appear to have become dangerously entrenched in college work! :lol
Yep, it’s the job in Wales. I’ve not mentioned it in the blog much yet. I don’t want to talk about it and then end up not getting the job, more information may appear in a couple of weeks. Hopefully. *crosses fingers*