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Yet again it’s been over a week since an update. Fortunately it’s because i’ve not really got a lot to tell you due to my being busy doing uni work. I’m now reasonably confident i’m going to get everything finished in time, my only concern is the quality of the final two folders i have to do. I’ll get them in, and they’ll be good to pass i think, but i’m not overly confident with what’s in them. My final project i have planned out now and it’s only a small thing anyway, but it’ll allow me to do some proper designing, how i want to do it. It’s amazing how knowing exactly what you are going to do lends you confidence.

This week Eve Online is on special offer at Game, so i’ll be getting that tomorrow, for a fiver. I may or may not play it once i’ve finished uni, but as it’s a saving of £15, i’m getting it just in case. Who knows, once i finish uni i may actually get the time to play the two Neverwinter expansion packs i’ve had installed for months and months… I definitely want Doom 3 when it’s out (early summer we hope), and if Half Life 2 ever actually arrives i’ll be on that too. It’s rapidly losing it’s sparkle however, as games like Far Cry are sauntering in and doing the DX9 graphics thing. At least we’re safe in the knowledge Half Life 2 will have the best AI/Physics ever seen in any game ever. By a mile. *taps fingers impatiently* Oh, i have my eye on S.T.A.L.K.E.R too, which is shaping up to be very very interesting indeed.

I’ll be working again this weekend, which the weather man has forcast sun for. Shock and surprise. Oh well smiley icon: smile I’m feeling oddly chirpy at the moment, but then i’ve just had a very relaxing candle lit bath with ‘Deep and Chilled Euphoria‘ playing too. My god i adore that album, pure sonic heaven. smiley icon: smile smiley icon: smile

Other than that there’s not an awful lot to tell you i’m afraid. Parents are on holiday just up the road for the weekend in the caravan, but as i’m at work and also doing uni stuff i don’t get to make much of it. My granddad just got broadband, so he’s now surfing the net like a pro. I can’t stop eying up digicams. I keep starting out saying ‘£300, find something for that’ and then i end up every time looking at the Nikon D70 and thinking ‘if you’re going to end up paying £700 for a decent camera, you may as well pay £900 and get one without a fixed lens.’ It’s not going to happen, but i swear, my first present to myself when i get a good job is going to be a good digicam. Probably. smiley icon: joke

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