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This domain is a mirror of my old website. It's for historical purposes only.
How MattWilcox.net attempts to address the issue of accessibility and other design considerations.
The web is used by many millions of people. There are a range of obstacles some of them face in life, including
colour blindness, poor eyesight, complete blindness and impaired motor functions. While these are only a few examples, and
there are many others, it is easy to realise that such difficulties affect how these people experience the internet.
Accessibility in terms of the World Wide Web means accommodating for all users, attempting to ensure
that everyone can get the most out of a website that they are able. No one should be restricted by poor design.
Accessibility is not just for the disabled; an accessible site makes navigation, information dissemination, and
general use as easy and intuative as possible, for everyone. It also has the fringe benifit of increased search engine
This website attempts to be as complete and easy to use as possible for all groups of people using all types of equipment. It has been tested against the WAI guidelines and achieves a minimum of level two compliance out of a possible three levels. While no website can offer perfect access for everyone, and no set of automated tests can provide meaningful benchmarks for all scenarios, I have designed this site with accessibility in mind.
This site has been built using common technologies and techniques known as ‘Web Standards’, utilizing technologies such as XHTML and CSS. Anyone using a browser that itself supports web standards will be able to experience and use this site as intended.
By using a modern browser you will experience this website as it was intended. In addition such browsers are generally faster and more secure than older examples.
Internet Explorer is not a recommended browser. IE has a poor record for security and its Web Standards support is limited compared to any modern browser. This may change when Microsoft release version 7.
For those of you who wish to learn more, here are a list of links to external resources…
Built with valid XHTML and CSS, designed with web standards and accessibility in mind. Best viewed in a modern browser [Firefox, Safari, Opera]