It's been an eventful week
The week just gone has been an interesting one; I’ve had a really fun Monday evening with friends, we’ve had Phil announce that he’s leaving Karova to head off for adventure in Ireland, and my mum’s been in hospital a month earlier than we were expecting. Eventful then, you might say.
On Monday I found out that Ben and Heather had both finished their dissertations that day, and I asked if they fancied hitting the pubs and grabbing a meal in order to celebrate after I finished work. They surely did, and we had a most fun night. In fact, I had one of the best nights I’ve had in a long time, and it was really good to see them both stress-free and back to bouncy happiness! I also got a refresher of Heath’s amazing ability to drink anyone under the table (I’m glad I don’t drink and have no need to try competing). In fact by the end of the night the only effect I think the alcohol may have had on her was the fact we talked more than ever, which was brilliant. But in perfectly lucid fashion I’ll have you know *nod*. Conversation ranged from talking about the future, psychology, life and all that jazz, to general gossip and musical waffle. We eventually ended up back at Ben’s (where Ben was most definitely drunk, as proven earlier by the ‘throwing ice-cubes down girls tops’ shinnanigans seen prior to returning home) and after a brief cuppa in the kitchen, kindly provided and brewed with expert precision and care by none other than Heather, I had to toddle off home, bleary eyed but happy. It was already 1am and I had to work in the morning.
I will see if I can grab any of the photo’s Ben took with his phone when I see him next.
Tuesday was a bit of a surprise (or maybe it was Wednesday, I can’t remember now) as we were told that Phil is leaving Karova after his move to Ireland. Tuesday quickly became Friday and Phil was in for his last day, so we all went out for a meal (minus Aled and Paul who were both working off-site). It’ll be a different place without Phil and it’s sad to see him going. It has been an honour and a privilege and I hope that his shiny new job and house both go very well indeed I’m sure we’ll be saying hello again in the future though, and that’s good.
On Wednesday I found out that mum’s scheduled spell in hospital had been brought forward a month due to a cancellation. Fortunately Karova management rock and I managed to shift my day’s off to this upcoming Monday and Tuesday. Mum had her operation Thursday and by Friday night I found myself back in Stoke again. I’ve just got back from visiting her with dad and my little brother - all is well, thankfully.
After this busy week I’ve decided I’m going to have to plan things a little better; the summer is already here, people are soon going to be leaving university for ever, and dammit I need to find time to get out with friends and have some fun while they’re still here I always intend to do exactly that, but life has a habit of changing plans (which is not a complaint, but an observation). I think I’m going to book some random days off work and see if I can hijack people for fun-some tomfoolery and quality entertainment in the week. Weekends just keep evaporating somehow.
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- Posted:
- Sat, 28th Apr 2007 at 19:04 UTC
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skip to comment formIt was an honour working with you Matt. I've learned alot from you.

I'll be seeing you again.