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Archived entry | Matt Wilcox .net

Watch out Google Earth, NASA World Wind 1.4 is coming to reclaim your crown

World Wind was NASA’s 3D globe software, which was a precursor to Google Earth. A new version is about to be released which adds Near Real Time weather, and a much hotter graphics engine. Plus, you know, a few other planets.

When it’s out NASA Worldwind 1.4 will be available here


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  1. Johnny posted 9 days, 4hrs, 6mins after the entry and said:

    Well I hope in WW 1.4 the problem of loading every tile except the central one has been fixed (that's been broke from the start thru all the versions), and I also hope the servers not responding and downloading tiles will be fixed. I like WorldWind but it often stalls and just halts in the middle of something, leaving a patchwork of low-res and hi-res tiles.

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