Active Collab, an open source BaseCamp
Active Collab is a free open source application written in PHP5 for organising projects and working with clients. It mimics BaseCamp in a number of ways.
I like Basecamp, and I also have big issues with Basecamp. It’s a product I use almost daily, and while it’s good at organising projects, it’s also incredibly slow and not without areas for improvement. Active Collab is very similar, but you can run it on your own server, modify it however you like, and you don’t have to pay for it. In fact, if you have hosting with DreamHost, you can install it under their ‘one click install’ menu. Give it a shot, and see what you think.
Entry Information
- Posted:
- Sat, 5th Aug 2006 at 21:08 UTC
- Filed under:
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skip to comment formI was going to start writing a BaseCamp "clone" in php for the same reasons you are listing here: I need/want to change and improve it in a number of ways… Then I find your post and ActiveCollab…
I'm downloading it right now…
Thanks for your post!
We have been testing this at work, and we're finding it to be pretty good. I'll try and write a full review in a few weeks.

I am not sure if you recently followed the license, pro/lite discussion at the aC forums and know that aC will go the commercial route with version 1.0.
Since some of us are interested in a "real" opensource basecamp alternative, we picked up the HPL licensed code and forked the project. Our project is named "ProjectPier" and we are preparing our initial release which is mostly a rebranded aC 0.7.1 version with some enhancements (e.g. enhanced eMail notification) and some bundled themes and translations.
If you are interested in getting more info or join us, please take a look at (though still being in development
I did not know about aC splitting into a free and a for-money branch. Thanks for the heads up, and good luck with your project - it sounds interesting
A follow up:
I can no longer recommend ActiveCollab unless you are in the market to pay for such a service - in which case it might well be the perfect one for you (I've not compared the new 'for money' AC with Basecamp, but it might be worth your while to do so)