Lunar Point - untitled
Running, that’s how I remember her
her golden hair flowing in the breeze.
A fitting epitaph I felt. Well; if simple words can sum up a life.
She told me nothing in this world could keep her,
she felt she belonged…elsewhere
‘maybe’, she said, ‘…the sea’.
She would stand, her eyes transfixed on the white foam
stopping at the edge. Looking.
There’s something intense in that distance.
She didn’t know it then, but the sea is unkind to trespassers
So go the half finished lyrics to a half finished song Dan Myatt and myself wrote back in the day. I’ve been trekking through the muddy depths of my hard drive, and I’ve come across quite a few things that take my mind on a trip into the past, this was one of those things. The track itself was about the third practice run we did, hence Dan’s somewhat blasé reading of them. The earlier recording is emotionally much better (plus we got some great feedback from the Gibson/Marshal combo creeping in), but the recording levels were really off. Both versions were recorded on Dan’s four-track, later dubbed down onto tape and later still made into an MP3. Both have lain gathering virtual dust for at least the last four years, but it’s probably been about six or seven years since they were actually recorded. They’re as rough as you would imagine, but I still think there’s the soul of a great track in there. Take a listen to the cleaner of the two recordings and see for yourself (or just have a laugh, it’s all good! ).
skip to comment formYou can definately tell we were into our ‘Storm in Heaven’ era Verve at the time
Hello there Jimi,
I quite liked the track but I don’t think the Stoke accent did it justice.
Hey there Miss Pip.

I was thinking the heartfelt/romantic/tragic overtones provided by the Stokie accent was the clinching factor in this tracks True Greatness™
I like it, aggree with the Lady though,Potteries twang doe’s not do it justice, when are you going to finish it?
Just downloading it now, must keep an eye on Mr. Wilcox’s site more often now. Seems he is keeping it very up-to-date…….
Yeah like the backing, lyrics seem good too, but as prevoiusly mentioned the vocals are a little lacking. Maybe have a reunion and re-record it……!
hi every1 not spoke 2 u in ages so just thought i’d say hi
Lol, GD: after 6 years, I dont think it’s ever going to get finished. I’m surprised people are liking it.

Mr Matt, it gets updates most every day (Of The Moment…) but the blogs tend to be a bit less frequent.
Hi Becky, hope you’re well!
I’ve added the very first version for anyone who might be interested. As mentioned, it’s the one I prefer, but the quality is awful, the bass (that’s me) gets lost unless you’re wearing headphones, and the vocals are very muffled. Plus the whole thing was just a jam, so it’s long (5min) and doesn’t go anywhere.
I still end up closing my eyes and swaying slooowly to it though. :lol I might see if i can find any other tracks we did on tape somewhere… *goes to look*
wow people are talking again on jimys site, downloadin now jimski, will b listening soon
wow man, thats pretty cool tune